[PERFECT AFTER-SALES SERVICE] Litheli has been working with industry experts for decades to present a battery pack of top quality & reliability. If you have any questions, please contact us via here message. Our service team will answer you within 24 hours.
[ULTRA LOW SELF-DISCHARGE] Low self-discharge design ensures maximum performance
- Litheli 20V battery is compatible with all Litheli 20V tools.
- To maintain long-term performance, charge the battery every 3 months when not in use.
[Battery Share For Litheli Tools Only] Litheli 20V battery can (and ONLY can) power Litheli 20V tools, and Litheli 20V tools can share the same Litheli 20V battery. To ensure long-term performance, charge the battery once every month when not use.
[ONBOARD BATTERY LIFE INDICATOR] 4 LED lights indicate remaining runtime before next recharge